What should be the standard for writing on this website and for Photics.com projects? As the saying goes, the nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from. There’s the AP Stylebook. I used to work there. It was not a fun time, so I don’t want to use that. There’s the Chicago Manual of Style, but I’m from New York. Clearly I can’t pick that one. There are style guides for Government (USGPO), Chemistry (ACS), Law (Bluebook) and Medicine (AMA). Where’s the style guide for technology? I didn’t see one that stood out, so I’m creating my own.
No Double Spaces After Periods — HTML doesn’t respect extra spaces. If you have ten spaces, a hundred space, or a thousand spaces, it still counts as one space. If you want to add a double space, you have to use the HTML entity. That means “Non-Breaking Space”. Depending where line breaks occur, this might cause oddities with text alignment. To avoid that problem, simply use single spaces after periods.
Commas Outside of Quotes — When quotes are used to emphasize an item, commas are treated like variables. I like “apples”, “bananas”, and “grapes”. This helps you think like a programmer. Because if you put a comma inside a set of quotes, instead of outside, your code could crash.
Use Oxford Commas — This one bothers me, as I don’t like Oxford commas, but it’s good for thinking like a programmer and for clarity. You can’t skip a comma in an array, so don’t skip one in sentence either.
Em Dash vs En Dash — Generally use the longer em dash instead of an en dash. For ranges, try to use words. The reasoning is accessibility. Screen readers, such as Apple’s text-to-speech feature, might not pause for the shorter en dash and it might not read the range as expected.