Crossy Road Castle Characters List

Crossy Road Castle (from Hipster Whale) is an endless platform game, where iconic Crossy Road characters attempt to climb towers with randomized levels. Up to four players can play together. The following data is to help you complete your collection of Crossy Road Castle characters. If you are interested in learning more about a specific Crossy Road Castle character, there is a Crossy Road Castle Characters playlist on Photics.TV (YouTube).

NOTE: This list is only contains character information available before December 31, 2023 (Apple Arcade).

ChickenStarting Character---
MallardStarting Character---
BlueStarting Character---
UnihorseStarting Character---
Baby BirdsEvent---
DogePrize MachineUnihorse Castle
GiraffePrize MachineUnihorse Castle
FoxPrize MachineUnihorse Castle
PigPrize MachineUnihorse Castle
Emo GooseSticker BookUnihorse Castle
PrinceGemUnihorse Castle
Poopy PidgeonPrize MachineConstruction Tower
FleaPrize MachineConstruction Tower
CrowPrize MachineConstruction Tower
TurtlePrize MachineConstruction Tower
RaccoonSticker BookConstruction Tower
SchoolgirlGemConstruction Tower
Prize PonyPrize MachineCreepy Carnival
Wild BearPrize MachineCreepy Carnival
WitchPrize MachineCreepy Carnival
Sludge ThingPrize MachineCreepy Carnival
ClownSticker BookCreepy Carnival
DraculaGemCreepy Carnival
Baby DeerPrize MachineGreat Treehouse
RobinPrize MachineGreat Treehouse
CardinalPrize MachineGreat Treehouse
SkunkPrize MachineGreat Treehouse
FairySticker BookGreat Treehouse
GnomeGemGreat Treehouse
Specimen 115Prize MachineSpace Station 115
TardigradePrize MachineSpace Station 115
Space DogPrize MachineSpace Station 115
CowPrize MachineSpace Station 115
RoverSticker BookSpace Station 115
AstronautGemSpace Station 115
Jelly BearPrize MachineCandy Cafe
GingerfriendPrize MachineCandy Cafe
ToucanPrize MachineCandy Cafe
Lovely BunnyPrize MachineCandy Cafe
PiñataSticker BookCandy Cafe
Princess CherryGemCandy Cafe
RaptorPrize MachineLost Temple
TigerPrize MachineLost Temple
MonkeyPrize MachineLost Temple
Scarlet MacawPrize MachineLost Temple
FrogSticker BookLost Temple
PaleontologistGemLost Temple
MoosePrize MachineSnowpeak Palace
St. BernardPrize MachineSnowpeak Palace
YetiPrize MachineSnowpeak Palace
PenguinPrize MachineSnowpeak Palace
SkierSticker BookSnowpeak Palace
YodelerGemSnowpeak Palace
CapybaraPrize MachineSandcastle Shores
CrabPrize MachineSandcastle Shores
PelicanPrize MachineSandcastle Shores
SealionPrize MachineSandcastle Shores
Skeleton PirateSticker BookSandcastle Shores
MerladyGemSandcastle Shores
Rusty RobotPrize MachineWindup Workshop
Rubber DuckPrize MachineWindup Workshop
Tyrannosaurus RexPrize MachineWindup Workshop
Cymbal MonkeyPrize MachineWindup Workshop
Jack-In-The-BoxSticker BookWindup Workshop
BallerinaGemWindup Workshop
LlamaPrize MachineRainbow Rift
Pink FlamingoPrize MachineRainbow Rift
NessiePrize MachineRainbow Rift
BallerPrize MachineRainbow Rift
DragonSticker BookRainbow Rift
Mad WizardGemRainbow Rift