A Halloween Haven Found In Online Games

With millions of players engaged in online role-playing games, real world traditions have made their way into fantasy lands. Now that Halloween is only days away, MMORPGs are preparing to celebrate the holiday. “I’ve been looking forward to it for a while,” says Airik Keyth, a level 20 Guild Wars Warrior / Monk.

Guild Wars: Photics Wearing A Pumpkin CrownMassively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) like World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online and Guild Wars are rolling out their Halloween events. On a typical day, these medieval fantasy lands are already plagued with Zombies, Ghouls and Goblins. The only things left to add are some festive decorations. It’s an instant party.

Despite entertainment value, this is serious business to Game Developers. LOTRO Executive Producer Jeffrey Steefel states, “These festivals coupled with content updates demonstrate our commitment to delivering the best online experience for our subscribers through a fun, compelling and evolving game. We want everyone to join with us as we begin a new annual tradition in Middle-earth!”

Like the house with the most Christmas lights on the block, it transcends the festivity. It becomes a grudge match. MMORPGs battle to have the biggest and best celebrations possible. A few years back, it was rare for MMORPG events to be this extravagant.

  • Lord of the Rings OnlineHarvest Festival (10/26 – 11/11) – Includes: Horse Racing, Games of Chance, Dancing Quests, Unique Items
  • World of WarcraftHallow’s End (10/18 – 11/1) – Includes: Special Items, Decorated Towns & Inns, Apple Bobbing, Costumes
  • Guild WarsThe Mad King Returns (10/26 -10/31) – Includes: Costume Brawl, Unique Items, Decorated Cities

Airik says, “It adds lots of fun, making making me want to play longer.”

Edward The Strong, also a level 20 Warrior / Monk, didn’t share the enthusiasm. When asked if he was looking forward to the Halloween event, Edward replied, “Not really!” Edward adds, “but I like all the free items you get.”

3 thoughts on “A Halloween Haven Found In Online Games”

  1. Ahh, Holiday events.. one of the few times I actually want to play Guild Wars. I love how they decorate the towns and have a special guest speaker (or two in the case of Wintersday) always makes for a fun time 🙂

  2. This is my first Guild Wars Halloween, even though I bought it last year during Halloween. It’s fun taking pictures near the decorations and recieving free gifts. ArenaNet actually made Halloween enjoyable.

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