NYC is a city filled with life, but times are a bit unusual for the big apple. On a cold Saturday afternoon, I expected warmer weather. I also expected more people. The stores seemed empty. The sidewalks seemed less crowded. A vacant store, a former Circuit City location, looked so depressing. People didn’t seem to be shopping so much. Yet, there was a place in Manhattan that was clearly breaking the disturbing trend… NINTENDO WORLD.

In the recession, the gaming industry stands in defiance. The leader of that rebellion seems to be Nintendo. Here’s a fast fact, over 100 million systems in the Nintendo DS franchise have been shipped since late 2004.
In chilly weather, and an even more chilly economy, I surprised to see such a large group of people. From the entrance of Nintendo world, almost all of the way to 6th avenue, there was a long line. Pokemon fans waited to get inside the store. I overheard one of them say, “We’re going to be here forever!”
Yet, the crowd didn’t disperse. The concrete canyons of NYC funneled the chilly air into the faces of Nintendo fans – young and adult. The wait was for Pokemon Platinum Version. Rockefeller Plaza was decorated accordingly.
I was not as brave as they were. I left before the event started, but I did return. Later in the day, the sun illuminated the festivities. The line was much shorter too. There was a big stage with kids playing. Kiosks were set up too. It was a lot like the Super Mario Galaxy launch. Nintendo throws a good party.
I left feeling happy. Nintendo is doing a good thing. They’re bringing joy into the world. That’s always important, but even more so now.