Blast Past Apple’s Walled Garden With Tumult Hype 2

Tumult Hype IconTumult Hype 2 is now available. The sad news is that the free updates for 1.x have ended. I happily paid $29.99 for version 2, as Hype has been such a boon for my work. But aside from supporting cool software, is the upgrade worth it? For the most part, Hype 2 is refinement of existing features. I felt that Hype 1.6 was a bigger update than 2.0. However, there is something remarkable about Hype 2.0. It creates a serious alternative to iTunes App development.

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Tumult Hype – An Alternative to Flash

Tumult Hype IconIt’s been a while since I’ve been impressed by a computer application. Most of the software that I use today is basically the same from 10-15 years ago. Where’s the revolutionary software that changes how I work — for the better? I remember the days when I first learned of Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. With these programs, I dramatically improved my career. That’s great for design, but what about Web Development? While Adobe is trying with programs like Muse and Edge Animate, I wasn’t feeling the same excitement. With all the rumbling about the death of Flash, where’s the replacement for creating online interactivity?

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WordPress vs. Drupal

WordPress vs Drupal ThumbnailRecently, I switched this website to Drupal. And even more recently, I switched it back to WordPress. What’s with the struggle between two robust content management systems? For many years, there wasn’t. I didn’t think fondly of Drupal. Maybe it was the Drupal icon. Sunglasses on a drop of water seemed odd to me. Maybe it was the high maintenance. I had trouble getting the software to do what I wanted. But with the launch of Drupal 7, things started to change. I saw the power of Drupal and I liked it.

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Apache Redirects – For When Your Web Pages Move

apache-redirect-thumbnailRecently, I moved all of my Guild Wars content to a new website. I feel pretty good about the new content management system and the new direction of the website. But as I went to bed last night, I started thinking about 404 Errors – Page Not Found. I had forgotten to set up Apache Redirects. After having a dream about poor search engine ranking, I woke up and updated my .htaccess file. It was simple but important work. Without sending web traffic to the new location, I risked losing visitors. Fortunately, with Apache Redirects, I could point web visitors to the new locations. This should create a better experience for both Human and Robot visitors.

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Are Search Engine Spiders / Robots Abusing Your Server?

Search engines represent a huge chunk of where visitor traffic originates. Someone in France, Poland or Bahrain will use a search engine (like Google, Yahoo or MSN) and they may find my website. That’s impressive to me. I wasn’t even sure where Bahrain was located. But through the power of search engines, my website was being viewed out there… AMAZING!

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