I’ve been playing Guild Wars for over five years, so I understand the routine. If there’s a major holiday, there’s probably an event going on in Guild Wars. Easter is not an exception. I cleared my busy schedule to take advantage of the holiday items – Chocolate Bunnies and Golden Eggs. I don’t get to play Guild Wars as much as I used to. So when I do, I like to maximize my performance. The Easter treats are really helping with my title farming.
The holiday items randomly drop from slain enemies (PvE).
The Golden Egg – Double-click to raise all of your attributes by 1 for 5 minutes. This item cannot be used in PvP. (It’s a sugary item. It adds one point to the Treasure Hunter when first obtained and one point to the Sweet Tooth title track when consumed.)
The Treasure Hunter title track is very expensive — both in Guild Wars gold and real world time. That makes this item quite useful. Lockpicks are 1500 gold. On a good day, I’d open about 3-5 chests. During the Easter event, I can get a similiar amount on a single run of Kilroy’s Punchout quest.
Chocolate Bunny – Double-click to use while in town. Eating sweets may give you a Sugar Rush. (This is also a sugary item. It adds two points to the Sweet Tooth title track when consumed.)

I’m not sure why greed, glutony and wrath is considered honorable in Guild Wars. The legacy of TANK is turning a once noble warror into someone who beats up Dwarves for candy. When the Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandson of TANK looks back at the deeds of his forefather, will he be proud? What words will be written on TANK’s shrine? “Here rests a man who drank, ate and punched his way to victory.” Is the legacy of this knight nothing more than bad teeth, a beer belly and bloody knuckles? While the Survivor title was exciting, the Treasure Hunter, Sweet Tooth and Drunkard titles are tedious.
Even though title farming is not exactly aligned with the spirit of Easter, I’m enjoying the festivities. I’m relaxing and quickly moving up the title tracks. I’m also enjoying the increased activity. From what I’ve seen, the community was enjoying the Easter event.
I am liking the easter event the bunnys and eggs helped me get some much needed gold
“I’ve been playing Guild Wars for over five years, so I understand the routine. ”
Guild Wars has only been out for 48 months as of today. I assume you were either an alpha tester, or you’re wrong. 🙂
Actually, Guild Wars was officially launched on April 28, 2005 …and yes… I was an alpha tester. Photics.com is one of the oldest Guild Wars fansites. I’ve been playing since February 2004.