I'm Sorry About The Booth Babes

Gaile: I don’t know, Mike. Do you really think it makes a difference? Do you think the judges weigh a game’s merit on gameplay, graphics, storyline, and the gorgeousness of the booth models?

Yes, yes I do. I cannot see it any other way. How else could an MMORPG with no monthly fee get completely snubbed? Unfortunately, ArenaNet did not have booth babes at the 2005 E3 either. Not surprisingly, ArenaNet did not win its fair share of awards. That is why I am beginning to wonder. Did ArenaNet come to the same conclusion as I did? Did they feel slighted? Did they flex their muscle in the gaming world? Did ArenaNet complain to the E3 people? Did ArenaNet petition for a game to be based on merit, not on flesh? Has the E3 been redefined to promote quality games? Did ArenaNet call for a Booth Babe Nerf?

Instead of being a rowdy party, it looks like this year’s event is going to be more professional. It looks like it’s going to be what it’s supposed to be – a way to promote the hottest games, not the hottest women.

With the leveled playing field, I would not be surprised if Guild Wars: Factions wins Game of the Year at the 2006 E3. Yet, at what cost? Think of those poor aspiring models. Think of all those perky young women. They will lose out on some extra spending cash. Think of all the lonely geeks. They won’t get to have their picture taken with a beautiful woman.

Guild Wars is about competition and victory. Have the founders gone too far? Are they behind this? Did they have a hand in changing the E3? If so, then this is ultimately my fault. I’m really REALLY SORRY! I wanted ArenaNet to have scantly clad women at the NCsoft booth. I had no idea that things would turn out this way. Scantly clad women was part of E3. It was like Christmas in May. Now, the E3 as we know it may forever be changed. Overtime, the E3 could grow into a stuffy, corporate event. That would be a tragedy. Once again, if this is my fault, I’m sorry.

5 thoughts on “I'm Sorry About The Booth Babes”

  1. Honestly Mike, Don’t feel bad. Would rather have people focus their attention on the games than the girls. If I want to go see half naked gals, I’ll go ask my girlfriend 😀

    All jokes aside (and by the way, she’s giving me funny looks now), I’m actually quite glad to see E3 back to what it’s supposed to be: a game expo.

  2. You know something is going wrong with the gaming sites and mag’s seem to focus on the booth babes as much or more than the games… I am glad to see that the expo is returning to showing off exciting new games.

  3. Mike,

    If it is your fault, well “so be it.” You did your best to get Arenanet to get Booth Babes, by using a purely logical argument. The “If they can do it, so can you” argument backfired solely due to the wet blankets of this world.

    They are the same crowd as the PC crowd. “If it adds fun and a lighter atmosphere, Squash it!” is the motto of the morale police of this world.

    The Booth Babes will be sorely missed by the “dirty old men” of the computer-gaming world. At least by this one… 😎

  4. They are still here. I knew this was wrong. So all the people who actually cared, are you happy. 🙂

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