is one of the oldest Guild Wars Fansites out there. Back in December of 2003, I had a unique idea for a Guild Wars fansite. Instead of focusing on a forum or cheat sheets, what if I made an electronic magazine? After dozens of issues, and thousands of visitors, the idea brought lots of popularity to However, I realized that something was wrong. It was mostly a solo project. The Internet is more for collaboration. Issue #35 aims to fix that problem. The Guild Wars community is invited to contribute content for the Tuesday, September 22, 2009 issue of Photics: The Guild Wars Edition.
What would you like to see in the 2009 Autumnal Equinox edition of Photics Guild Wars Fansite magazine? Just post up a comment on this page. If you want to contribute, simply post your email address with your comment. (Don’t worry, your email doesn’t appear with your comment.) There is a wide range of ways to participate…
- Cartoonists – Can you make a funny and well illustrated Guild Wars comic?
- Translators – Hey, the game’s global. This publication should be too!
- Writers – Do you have strategy guides or other interesting articles about Guild Wars?
- Copy Editors – Someone has to look out for typos and grammatical errors.
- Illustrators – New Guild Wars artwork is running low. Maybe your art could be on the cover!
This is strictly a volunteer thing. (At least, for now.) Although, I do like to show my appreciation. While supplies last, I can send out a skill pin to every contributor.

Other things to consider…
- Your content could be seen by thousands of people. That’s a nice ego boost.
- This is good practice if you’re interested in a career in publishing – a possible resume boost.
- This helps strengthen the Guild Wars community.
- It’s something to do while waiting for Guild Wars 2.
Issue #35 is scheduled to be released on Tuesday, September 22, 2009. If you are interested in volunteering, your content will have to be submitted by Friday, September 18, 2009. Not all content will be published, or it may be edited from its original form. No content from the Guild Wars Wiki is permitted. This is to be a magazine of original work. (If you’re not sure that your content is good enough to be published, send it in earlier. Maybe I can work with you to make your content better.)
I’ll help edit the magazine. If I can think of something worthwhile to write about, I may also submit an article.
I would like to contribute an article, or possibly a cartoon.
I’d very much like to contribute with some illustrations and maybe a cartoon or two ( if I get an idea or if someone else has one that I can illustrate)
I would totally help correcting typos, being the grammar nazi I am.
I’ll be more than willing to help with Editing, or maybe even submitting an article. Just give me an email if you need anything (or are interested in me doing so, Lol)
My in-game name is “T A N K” if you want to chat about this. It’s also “P H O T I C S” for my elementalist.
So OK, I’ve chatted with Moo and I emailed Thinke and Jizato. For editors, the problem is that articles are needed first. Heh! We seem to be off to a good start. I’m really excited about this. If you don’t know what to contribute, there are lots of story ideas… like the mystery of the beta testing, Jeff Strain’s departure, skill changes, title farming and PVP.
There doesn’t have to be a limit on pages either. We can make this issue huge. That’s the beauty of the Internet. So if someone already volunteered to do a comic, that doesn’t mean we can’t have more. 🙂
I`m a spanish player, i can help by translating somethings for ur magazine for spanish and south american players.
I’m not a pro-tranlator but i’m so familiarized with game language and i want to colaborate.
I study journalism in the Netherlands and I have been a guild wars fan for about 4 years now. I would be happy to help out with articles and idea’s. My grammar might be a bit flawed because i am not english.
Just tell me your ideas and the possibilities.
I could help webdesign/gfx. Not quite great on writing reviews or guides. but email me sometime.
I could prolly help out when needed with an article or two, or even
some article sketches stuff like that. Editing even.
If you need someone else that is 🙂
I’d like to help out as a Writer. 🙂
I’ll help out as a Writer and/or as an Editor. For GW topics, my forte is lore, and things of PvE (no farming things, bleh). I’m an English major in college, and as for editing, I tend to have a keen eye for typos (when reading, not always when writing, but I always read my work anyways).
Lore articles would be best for me, but I can, of course, write other things.
Contact me on Guru, GWO, or in-game (or email) – whichever is convenient *name I put is Guru, GWO, and in-game names*
Hey, I’m a Dutch player and I’m willing to translate from English to Dutch. Let me know if you need my help (^^,) .
by the way, my ingame name is ” I Primeval Sin I “
Hello, I come form Poland and I think I could help in translation to Polish. Of course I could also show my point of view in some articles, but it could be a bit problematic for Editors. I’ll be glad if you add me to the staff 😉
My IGN is Canthan Master
I’m an english to polish translator and I could work on translating the content to polish.
Please contact me via e-mail or through game if you want to talk about it.
I can be found under the nickname ‘Drakmor Airgetlam’.
This sounds very neat! I’m planning on doing an illustration of my Mesmer character, it would be lovely to see it in the magazine. 🙂
I’m also willing to help with graphics.
Hey everyone,
Wow, there are a lot of volunteers. I may not have enough skill pins for everyone. So for everyone after this point, if you’re still interested in volunteering, that’s cool! …but you might not get a skill pin 🙁
I didn’t expect so many people to be interested. The Guild Wars part of the site has been quiet. As for the translators and editors, I haven’t contacted most of you yet because I don’t have any content yet for you to work on. But don’t worry, your contact information is saved.
Hy there i am fromluxembourg nd i speak english german luxemburgish and french fluently 🙂
so if u want i could translate for the magazine=)
just by the way i am prett good at art wroking and video editing 🙂
looking forward to hear from you
I can Translate your zine to Polish
This project seems great, too bad I didn’t know of it earlier. Anyway, I’d like to help and one thing I can do is translating to Finnish. Having done some unofficial translations for a couple years now I think I can handle it. I’m also interested in writing but my experience on Guild Wars is still too narrow I’m afraid, so don’t count on me for that.
I’m French Canadian and a huge Guild Wars fan, so if you ever need a French translator, I’d be happy to do the job. I might eventually consider to illustrate as well, if I have more time on my hands. I hope you keep my contact information. I have experience in the translating field, and I think it would be important to have a French version of the magazine online.
Hello there.
I’m a Belgian player, interested in translating any text from English into Dutch.
You can contact me on Xfire (account name: Lrnz), in game (main character: Rawr The Charr) or MSN (
Hoping to hear from you.
Looks Great I think i can help you with:
Can do some English to Dutch
I play it a long time and know a lot of strategy for the game
You misspelled gramatical it is grammatical.
line 5: brough is brings cause it still brings people (just a small joke)
Talk to me in game at: Exstage Inresta if you want me to mail you i will send you my mail in game.
Hey, if you are still interested about it, I can probably do some translation. I can translate from english to french with no problems.
My in-game name is “Cute Firess”, but I am not always there. So if you are interested, just e-mail me as I check my e-mail box each day.
Hey! I’d love to be a Copy Editor for the magazine. I would possibly contribute articles as well. Please email me if you still need people.
Hello, I’m from Spain, sorry for my bad english. I might collaborate like illustrator, I like much the kind of the fantasy and the style of guild wars, I leave my blog you with some illustrations, between them a version of the goddess lyssa!
If you are still looking for people I can lend a hand with anything, I was away so didn’t see this till now.
I could try to help with some cover designs. I messed around on my computer this morning and made some stuff that could be used for this issue.
Well I’m someone who loves to take pictures of GW. Especially the environments of GW. Also made a short comic.
Wow, I can’t believe you’re still up to this man. I remember you launching issue #1 ( I was an admin at and alpha/beta tester ). I’m getting involved with GW again with the new announcement of 2 so I’ll see what I can contribute.