There was something of a drought with Wii games. With Battalion Wars 2, the rain is starting to fall. That is if exploding shells and machine gun fire quench your thirst for entertainment. In a surprising combination of tactics and twitch, BWii is a wonderful release for the holiday season.
Author: Photics
NVIDIA releases GeForce 8800 GT – The Price Friendly GPU
Back in my day, we didn’t have Graphical Processing Units. We had the Atari 2600 and we liked it. It was $50 and it hooked up to a Black & White TV real nice. Seriously, it seems like every time I turn around, there’s some other gaming thing to spend money on. It looks like a GeForce 8800 GT is now on my list. $199-$259 is a significant amount of cash, but that’s a good price for a powerful DirectX 10 card.
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Happy Hallo-Wii! Castlevania II, Samurai-Ghost and Magician Lord on Virtual Console
Halloween is this week and it looks like Nintendo is celebrating the occasion. Today’s Virtual Console releases have a Halloween theme. Castlevania II (NES), Samurai-Ghost (TurboGrafx) and Magician Lord (Neo-Geo) are now available. Nothing says Halloween like Fantasy Violence. For nostalgic video game fans, traveling back almost two decades in time is quite the Halloween treat.
A Halloween Haven Found In Online Games
With millions of players engaged in online role-playing games, real world traditions have made their way into fantasy lands. Now that Halloween is only days away, MMORPGs are preparing to celebrate the holiday. “I’ve been looking forward to it for a while,” says Airik Keyth, a level 20 Guild Wars Warrior / Monk.
Microsoft Launches New XBOX 360 Arcade Console for $279.99
With the holiday season almost upon us, it is of little surprise to see more aggression in the console wars. In the latest salvo, Microsoft has launched a more ecconomical model of the XBOX 360. For $279.99, the “Arcade” package offers five games, a wireless controller, an HDMI port, and a 256MB memory unit. This version of the XBOX 360, which replaces the “Core” system, is officially on sale today.
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