How To Access The New Maps – Guild Wars Bonus Mission Pack Now Available

The Bonus Mission Pack is now available. If you dropped $29 or more in the Guild Wars Online store, during the qualifying period, you should now have access to the special story tomes. Speak with Durmand [Historian] in any of the major Guild Wars cities – Lion’s Arch, Kaineng Center or Kamadan. With these special story books, you can relive important times of Guild Wars lore.

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Why Is Nintendo Winning The Console War?

There’s an arcade in Menlo Park Mall, New Jersey. I like to drive over there and play a few rounds of Street Fighter. Around this time of the year, I usually do so with caution. Holiday traffic makes the trip home rather rough. Not this year, as there was no traffic at all. I found that to be most disturbing.

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Black Friday – Christmas & Holiday Gift Ideas For Gamers

What do you buy for a gamer? For those of you not into Video Games, it may seem as a mysterious form of entertainment. You might view gaming as a waste of time or even harmful. I’m here to ease those concerns. Like many things in life, moderation is the key and knowledge helps to alleviate fear. I’m also here to help. Since today is Black Friday, one of the busiest shopping days of the year, I figured that some of you could use some gift ideas for the gamer in your family.

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Happy Thanksgiving – Guild Wars Style

ArenaNet loves to celebrate the holidays. With Guild Wars versions of Halloween and Christmas/New Years, I logged into the game to see if anything special was planned for Thanksgiving. Since Guild Wars is a global game, and Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November) is a United States holiday, I wasn’t expecting to see any festive events. I was pleasantly surprised when I was greeted with the following message…

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