Free Template Tuesday #2 – Tumult Hype “Looking”

Looking Template ThumbnailThe mobile phone defines the modern era. People can send messages to each other – almost instantaneously – to locations far away. With this amazing technology, what to people send? Quite often, people send emoji – a bright, yellow, and usually smiling, face. A lot of people despise emoji. Not me. I think they’re cute. It’s a way to express emotion, which is an important part of communication. Letters alone don’t always properly portray emotion. It’s the same with your Hype projects. Does the interactivity and animation match the feeling that you’re trying to create?

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Free Template Tuesday #1 – Tumult Hype “Coconut”

Hype Template #1 — CoconutNow that “A Book About Hype” is complete, I’ve been wondering what should be my next big project. I’m not quite sure yet. So while I’m figuring it out, I thought that I’d create some free Tumult Hype templates to help promote the book. The idea is that I’ll release a new one every Tuesday. With Hype, it’s fairly easy to create new templates, so I might be able to maintain this routine for at least a little while.

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How To Validate Your Copy of Xcode

Xcode App IconThere’s been some bad news in the land of iOS. Apparently, some apps were hijacked for nefarious deeds. This was accomplished via an evil copy of Xcode – Apple’s development software. Developers using “XcodeGhost” were unknowingly adding bad code to their software. Apple has removed these corrupted apps from the app store and is advising developers on how to avoid this problem from happening again.

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Happy Pi Day – A Developer’s Perspective

Pi Day - 3.14Today is March 14, 2015. It’s a day that has mathematicians abuzz. In the United States style of writing dates, today is also know as 3/14/15. If you forget about that whole Y2K thing, the date is very similar to the first few digits of Pi. That’s 3.1415. For the extra fanatical, 9:26 AM (or even PM) adds a few digits to the end. However, there are lots of nonterminating decimals in the universe. What’s so special about Pi?

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iOS TestFlight Beta Testing Now Available

TestFlight IconIt’s been about three years since I launched a new iOS app on the iTunes App Store. It was typically a frustrating process with little reward. Perhaps I’m still feeling burned from the failure of BOT. It’s not enough to just try again. I have to figure out what went wrong and then improve. Today, Apple announced a way to fix one of the major problems with iOS app development – TESTING. With TestFlight, now I can easily invite up to 1000 testers to try a new game.

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