Happy Birthday Photics.TV 🥳🎂

Photics.TV Birthday — Logo & YouTube CakeTwo years ago, the first Photics.TV video was published. More than 250 videos later, the channel has grown to welcome over 2000 subscribers. That’s nice! More entertaining and informative videos are planned for that YouTube channel. Although, there is a question — what about this website? What is the future of Photics.com? 🤔

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YouTube Level 3 — Photics.TV 1000 Subscribers

Photics.TV 1,000 Subscribers FireworksAfter 186 videos, more than 327,000 combined views, and 15 months later, 1,000 people in the world decided to subscribe to Photics.TV. Are you one of those people?! If so, thanks! Hopefully you’re enjoying the content. It’s a mix of technology videos — tutorials, heroic tech support, tech news, reviews, gaming, and a lot of other fun stuff! The goal is to entertain and inform, which was a lesson learned from my traditional newspaper days.

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YouTube Level 2 — Photics.TV 100+ Subscribers

Photics.TV 100+ SubscribersVisit Photics.TV (YouTube) to see a video of this article. Photics TV has reached over 100 subscribers. This is what I consider to be YouTube level 2. That website seems to like powers of ten. Well, sorta. Nothing happened at 10 subscribers. But now at 100 subscribers, the channel can have a custom web address. The new address is youtube.com/PhoticsTV that’s nice and easy to remember.

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Gauge (Milestone Thumbnail)A lot of bold moves were taken in the last two weeks. For starters, there’s a Photics shop at Etsy. That’s how the new digital version of “A Book About Hype” was made available. After a brutal rejection by Apple, a new strategy was needed. You shouldn’t build your castle on sand. Apple’s inconsistent approval process is just awful. So, and this is a big change, I’m giving Google another shot. Lots of people said I should do it, so here it is — Photics.TV is now online.

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