Android Development Tools: Learning About Draw 9-Patch

While I have been able to make Android say hello, I’ve been having trouble creating my first real Android application. I went back to the Android documentation, to see if I could learn something new. Each step forward is one step closer toward my goal. Today I learned about the Draw 9-Patch tool.

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Compass / Case Conundrum Concludes

Isn’t holiday shopping wonderful? I was in the mall, looking for Christmas gifts, when I found a present for myself — a new case for my G1 phone. The default case… more like a pouch …that was included with the G1 was disappointing to me. It doesn’t include a belt clip. From the first day I received my G1 Phone, I knew I needed a better means of protecting and carrying my phone. Last weekend, I succeed in that goal.

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Hello Android, I’m Photics!

I’m learning. I made my first Google Android application today! I went through the Google “Hello, Android” tutorial. It’s something of a tradition for computer programmers that are starting out. If parents are happy when their baby makes their first steps, novice developers like myself may experience a similiar feeling with the “Hello World” application. I’m one baby step closer to success! 🙂

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Registration Approved – Photics & The Android Market

REGISTRATION APPROVED — In the current economic climate, it might be hard to be approved for a car loan or a home loan. Fortunately, it wasn’t that hard to be approved for the Android Market! Here’s the message… “Your Registration to the Android Market is approved! You can now upload and publish software to the Android Market.”

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T-Mobile G1 Compass Not Working – Magnetic Case To Blame?

The first Google Android phone is something of a mixed blessing. The device is more advanced than any other T-Mobile phone that I’ve owned. Yet, little things seem to pester my enjoyment of the G1. Without better headphones and a beltclip case, I’m having trouble getting comfortable with my phone.

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