New TRANSFORMERS: Tactical Arena Videos

Bumblebee ThumbnailHAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to 2023! Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions? Currently, I’m still trying to figure that out. I might have thought of something while writing this article. But right now, the plan is to keep launching videos on Photics.TV (YouTube). To prove that, a pair of TRANSFORMERS: Tactical Arena videos launched this month. This is my favorite game on Apple Arcade. Actually, it’s the main reason I still have an active subscription.

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New “Data” Section

Optimus Prime — TRANSFORMERS: Tactical ArenaIt’s been a while since has created so much video game content. That’s because it’s been a while since video games have been as entertaining as TRANSFORMERS: Tactical Arena or Star Trek: Legends. The first has intense Player-vs-Player battles, which are set in that classic G1 style. The latter is a wonderful blend of characters from a franchise that spans over five decades. The point is that it’s a lot of characters. That’s a lot of data!

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