Twelve Days of Christmas — Holiday Gift Ideas on Photics.TV

Arcade1Up Pac-Man HDMI Game Console ThumbnailTo celebrate the holiday season, a Twelve Days of Christmas Photics.TV (YouTube) video extravaganza is planned. While “Twelvetide” / “Christmastide” is from December 25 (sunset December 24) to January 5, with Little Christmas on January 6, these review videos are interesting gift ideas. Some products have massive discounts during Black Friday / Cyber Monday, so it’s nice to know about them sooner.

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I’m Gonna Need A Bigger Robot!

C2HK (Candy To Halloween Kids) Robot — With M&MsOver on Photics.TV (YouTube), a question was asked — Can A Toy Robot Deliver Halloween Candies? It can! It was a lot of fun. It was nice to hear, “Highlight of the night” and “That’s cool” from the crowd — and it was quite a crowd. I’ve never had so many Trick-or-Treaters at my home. There were dozens, perhaps hundreds of people. C2HK, with a maximum candy capacity of six, was simply overwhelmed.

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Summer 2023 — Lessons Learned

Lawnmower Wave — Hi!Ever watch a movie or TV show, where they torment a kid in school with a presentation? What did you do last summer? None of my teachers ever bothered me with an assignment like that. Instead, my summer days were filled with sports, tv / movies, and video games. But just because I’m not a student anymore, there are still lessons to learn. Here’s a collection of Photics.TV videos that show the information gained during new adventures.

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Preparing For A Solar Eclipse

The next big idea for is still being determined. But as the old saying goes, “Life is what happens while we are making other plans.” A rare astronomical event will happen on April 8, 2024. And in order to take full advantage of this event, preparation will need to start soon. There will be a total eclipse visible from much of the United States — that’s assuming it doesn’t rain. 🌦️😄

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Happy Birthday Photics.TV 🥳🎂

Photics.TV Birthday — Logo & YouTube CakeTwo years ago, the first Photics.TV video was published. More than 250 videos later, the channel has grown to welcome over 2000 subscribers. That’s nice! More entertaining and informative videos are planned for that YouTube channel. Although, there is a question — what about this website? What is the future of 🤔

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