Styling “Details” & “Summary” HTML Tags

Web #9 — Details & Summary BoxBack in Web #6, the ease of the details / summary tags was mentioned. All you had to do was drop support for Internet Explorer and then you could have a pure HTML / CSS solution to creating web boxes that could be opened or closed. It would be almost two years since such a feature was added to this website. But with the addition of the Farmside Guide, now there’s a great reason to use the Details & Summary HTML tags. There’s a video on Photics.TV that explains the CSS styling of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) webpage.

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It’s Dangerous To Store Topo Chico In Extremely Cold Temperatures

Topo Chico ExplosionI like Sprite and 7up, but excess sugar is not healthy. So, I went looking for fun alternative to plain water. In the Mexican section of a local supermarket, I learned about Topo Chico. I was surprised. While not quite as yummy as a soda, I thought Topo Chico was good. It’s a bit expensive though, so I compared the drink to other Carbonated / Sparkling Water (Lime) alternatives. The glass bottle of Topo Chico is fancy, but that also lead to a big problem.

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New TRANSFORMERS: Tactical Arena Videos

Bumblebee ThumbnailHAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to 2023! Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions? Currently, I’m still trying to figure that out. I might have thought of something while writing this article. But right now, the plan is to keep launching videos on Photics.TV (YouTube). To prove that, a pair of TRANSFORMERS: Tactical Arena videos launched this month. This is my favorite game on Apple Arcade. Actually, it’s the main reason I still have an active subscription.

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Widgets 4.5 — Random!

Widgets Thumbnail — DiceEver wonder why Steve Jobs always wore the same outfit? Apparently, it helps reduce decision fatigue. Instead of deciding what clothes to put on, just wearing the same thing is one less thing to worry about. But, as the saying goes, “Variety is the spice of life.” What if you’re having trouble deciding to eat Pizza or Chinese food for lunch? That’s where a new widget in the “Widgets” app can help.

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YouTube Level 3 — Photics.TV 1000 Subscribers

Photics.TV 1,000 Subscribers FireworksAfter 186 videos, more than 327,000 combined views, and 15 months later, 1,000 people in the world decided to subscribe to Photics.TV. Are you one of those people?! If so, thanks! Hopefully you’re enjoying the content. It’s a mix of technology videos — tutorials, heroic tech support, tech news, reviews, gaming, and a lot of other fun stuff! The goal is to entertain and inform, which was a lesson learned from my traditional newspaper days.

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