Wii Menu Version 3.1 Update – Add a Keyboard to Your Wii

My Wii was making that blue glow again. Nintendo was doing something else to my little console. What could be going on inside the Wii today? I loaded up my system to find out. I was greeted by three new messages, all from Nintendo. What could be so important? It was a new system update.

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Wii Remote Jacket Accessory – My Wiimote Was Looking Cold

It’s not every day I get to see the pulsing blue light from my Wii. The slot indicator let me know that something was up. The novelty of Wiimail has worn off, so I knew it wasn’t a message from my Online Friends. What could Nintendo be up to? I turned on my Wii to find out. I had a new message from Nintendo. Here’s what it said…

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Halo 3 Special Edition XBOX 360 – The Hunt For a 65nm CPU Begins

The folks over in Microsoft marketing land really do earn their money. At first, their “Believe” campaign was having little effect on me. I was fairly confident that I would be skipping the Halo 3 hype. But nooooooo… the word had spread too far. The mass media buzz began to infect my friends and co-workers. They were telling me to get Halo 3.

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Alliance Battles Bonus Weekend – Guild Wars Gets Civilized

Every once in a while, ArenaNet throws a weekend event that just shouldn’t be missed. This is one of those weekends. Here’s the official word, “Participate in Alliance Battles this weekend to earn double faction. This bonus will last through 11:59 PM Pacific (-7 GMT) on Sunday, September 30.” Sure enough, I did participate. I joined my fellow Luxons and fought against the Kurzicks. Ahhh, the bonus has been just great. I unlocked a ton of skills and I maxed out my Luxon Faction bar three times.

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Halo 3 – Not For Me? (Will Photics "Finish The Fight")

So tonight’s the big night. The official Halo 3 launch date is upon us. Will I be in NYC tonight, waiting for my midnight hour copy of Bungie’s shooter? Nope, I’ll probably be in bed sleeping, or maybe I’ll be playing the original version of Halo on PC. It’s not that I don’t want play Halo 3, I do! It’s just that I don’t want to fall for the same trick twice.

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