Around at 8 pm, Sunday, Nov. 11, Super Mario fans will line up at Nintendo World, for the launch of Super Mario Galaxy – and I will be there! For those of you that are unable to make the mecha to 10 Rockefeller Plaza in NYC, don’t worry. should have full coverage of the event. Return on Monday morning for pictures, videos and details of the event.
Author: Photics
NCsoft 3Q Earning Release: Guild Wars Up, Lineage Down
NCsoft’s call to fame and fortune is Lineage, but their third-quarter earnings release illustrates the changing times. Year-over-Year sales for Lineage are down 20%, while City of Heroes / City of Villians sales are down 23% versus the previous year. That put NCsoft’s net profit down 21% from last year. There was good news for the computer game company, Guild Wars sales were up 16% versus the previous year and up 57% when compared to the previous quarter.
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Election Day: The Video Game President
I’ve never been into politics. Real life leaders are not as majestic as the ones in the history books, nor are they as impressive as the characters in my video games. That’s when I started wondering, what if I could draw from fantasy worlds for leadership? Which video game character would I like to see run for the President of the United States?
Should I buy Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa?
Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa is now available. It’s a Massivly Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game – WITH GUNS! Yes, it’s time for another Sci-Fi MMORPG. After the quick demise of Earth & Beyond, I’ve been wary to dabble in the genre yet again. I looked at PlanetSide and Star Wars Galaxies. I was close to buying them, but something stopped me at the last moment. I’m getting that feeling again.
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Guild Wars Bonus Mission Pack – Friendly Petition
The initial attraction to Guild Wars was simple – it was an MMORPG that did not require a credit card. The other thing I admired about Guild Wars was a genuine respect that ArenaNet had towards players. The fansite program showed that. Recently, things have started a change. This post is a call to action, so that ArenaNet can return to their glory days. The Bonus Mission Pack should be accessible to all Guild Wars Players, even those without credit cards!
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