GameSalad 0.9.3 — Project File Won’t Open

Broken GameSalad gameproj fileI’m a bit surprised at how well the latest GameSalad update has been received. I’ve read lots of praise on the GameSalad forums, but there are so many issues with the latest version. In addition to the issues I’ve been experiencing with the new Game Center feature, my background images disappear. But worse than that — my project file wouldn’t even open. Double-click… nothing! How do you fix that? There’s an easy solution to this problem, but it’s not as visible as it should be on the official GameSalad forum. So, I’m posting the fix here.

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Testing Game Center Leaderboards

Thumbnail - Testing Game Center LeaderboardsThings are getting exciting. This week, GameSalad was updated to version 0.9.3. Now it support’s Game Center Leaderboards — one of Apple’s social networking features for iOS games. I’ve been testing this feature with BOT, my new science-fiction role-playing game. This project has been an extreme challenge. But overall, the results have been amazing. This could be the biggest “Photics” project in the 12+ year history of the business. The game should be ready soon, but there are still some important matters to resolve.

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GameSalad Is Down

Oh, what’s the matter my little salad-head friend? What troubles you, my brightly-colored Mac desktop application? What’s that? The server is down? You’re unable to connect to the GameSalad server? Thousands of GameSalad developers are now unable to publish their games? That is a big problem. I can see why you’re sad. Seriously, this is why cloud computing is a bad idea. A huge community is locked out — without even the forums to fall back on. The GameSalad discussion board is down too. What’s a GameSalad developer to do?

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Free .WAV Wednesday — Click #6

Free .WAV Wednesday - Click #6 - ThumbnailI’ve been trying to learn Corona. The plan was to write a new textbook about Ansca Mobile’s software. But learning Lua has been a bit tricky for me. That’s why I’ve stopped the project. Before writing a book, one should master the topic. I’m not anywhere near as skilled with Corona as I am with GameSalad. However, I was at least able to produce some new educational material — a Corona Sound Effect Tutorial. That’s what what this article is about. The free .WAV Wednesday series returns, with a simple lesson on using sound effects in Corona.

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Learning About Corona and Lua

Learning About Corona - ThumbnailI’m having another one of those Obi Wan Kenobi moments. Star Wars fans likely know the scene. Luke Skywalker doesn’t start out as a knight. He’s a beginner. In one of his training exercises with Obi Wan, Luke is able to deflect laser blasts with his lightsaber – without being able to use his eyes. Obi Wan congratulates Luke by saying, “That’s good, you’ve taken your first step into a larger world.” Yesterday, I took a step into a larger development world. I downloaded and installed the Corona SDK – which uses Lua. Mastering this programming language is necessary to complete my next project – The Unofficial Corona Textbook.

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