Registration Approved – Photics & The Android Market

REGISTRATION APPROVED — In the current economic climate, it might be hard to be approved for a car loan or a home loan. Fortunately, it wasn’t that hard to be approved for the Android Market! Here’s the message… “Your Registration to the Android Market is approved! You can now upload and publish software to the Android Market.”

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Developer Registration With The Android Market – Credit Card Cold Feet

A bit of a wet blanket on my Google Android Market endeavor is the $25.00 registration fee. But hey, I might make thousands of dollars here. I suppose I shouldn’t be too grumpy about that. I don’t mind spending the money. What I mind is the terms of service.

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A First Step… Installing the Google Android SDK

Ever do something new and then hear the voice of Sir Alec Guinness in your head? You know, Star Wars, Obi Wan Kenobi… “That’s Good! You’ve taken your first step into a larger world.” We really do live in magical times. The power of technology is not something to be underestimated. I have a dream of creating my own applications for the Google Android operating system, and then selling those programs for lots and lots of money.

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Are Search Engine Spiders / Robots Abusing Your Server?

Search engines represent a huge chunk of where visitor traffic originates. Someone in France, Poland or Bahrain will use a search engine (like Google, Yahoo or MSN) and they may find my website. That’s impressive to me. I wasn’t even sure where Bahrain was located. But through the power of search engines, my website was being viewed out there… AMAZING!

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