
Gauge (Milestone Thumbnail)A lot of bold moves were taken in the last two weeks. For starters, there’s a Photics shop at Etsy. That’s how the new digital version of “A Book About Hype” was made available. After a brutal rejection by Apple, a new strategy was needed. You shouldn’t build your castle on sand. Apple’s inconsistent approval process is just awful. So, and this is a big change, I’m giving Google another shot. Lots of people said I should do it, so here it is — Photics.TV is now online.

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Tumult Hype 2021 “Year of Fun” Game Development

Joystick Emoji ExplosionLet’s face it. 2020 was a rough year! This year, so far, it’s not much better. Let’s change that! Let’s have some fun! Let’s make some games! That’s the objective of this article, to announce the 2021 “Year of Fun”. It’s an idea that Tumult Hype developers can get together and make some games — maybe even make some friends.

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Free Template Tuesday #39 – Tumult Hype “Controlling”

Controller Emoji ExplosionAnyone ever call you too controlling? Context matters! In the video game world, it’s really bad if you’re not controlling what’s going on. That’s the point of this week’s free Tumult Hype template. It shows how to add a 4-way controller to your game. It’s quite similar to the phenomenal Jump template, but this one has three distinct differences.

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Free Template Tuesday #38 – Tumult Hype “Timely”

Sleepy Time Emoji 😴🌃This is one of those things where it’s just easier to show than explain. Are you a human on Earth? Then you probably know about the day / night cycle. So, why don’t our websites know about this? Many websites operate like it’s 12:00 PM — all day, every day. What if your website could know the difference? What if your website could react to the time of the day? That’s the task for this week’s free Tumult Hype template.

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Targeted Advertisements (Without Spying)

Widgets vs ApparatusesPeople hate ads. And yet, marketing is part of life. If done correctly, people will love you. Apple is a perfect example. Steve Jobs and the gang made computers cool and sexy. Photics is selling widgets. Is there a thing further from cool and sexy? As the app updates progress, Widgets and Apparatuses are starting to look a lot better. It is actually getting cool and sexy. The new app icons are clean and pretty. The functionality is powerful. That means the next step is marketing.

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