WIRED Mentions Widgets

Widgets app icon on colorful backgroundIt was getting late, on this first Saturday night after Thanksgiving. Not feeling well, possibly catching a cold, I decided to do something less mentally taxing. That basically meant doing work that could be done from my iPad. Snuggled under a warm blanket, I decided to check on my SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Would people find “Photics” if they searched for the words “Dashboard Replacement” online? In running this experiment, I found an interesting article from WIRED.

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Radio Silence

Radio Silence ThumbnailPhotics.com is usually updated with a new article at least once a month. That’s not exactly a demanding benchmark to meet. But for the next six months, even hitting that mark might not be possible. The 10-Year Plan has been modified to accommodate two significant projects. Within the next 2-3 months, the hope is to launch “Widgets”. (That’s the new name for the “Dartboard” app.) It is quite possibly the best Photics app ever made.

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The Streamlined 10-Year Plan

Emoji – Rocket Liftoff from EarthAfter careful consideration, Photics is returning to App Development. This is reminiscent of the insanity quote (which is often attributed to Albert Einstein) – doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Based on previous experience, returning to App Development does seem like a crazy idea. However, it’s not the same plan. It’s been streamlined.

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A New Plan – Brainstorming

Thinking Emoji - Brainstorming ThumbnailIn order to create the perfect solution, the problem must be properly defined. If you want to change the world, first you must ask, “What’s wrong with it?!” Once you’ve detailed the problem, the next question is obvious. “What can you do about it?” In determining a new plan for this website, that’s the frame of mind. But at this stage, the realities of life enter the picture. That raises a third question. “How do you make money from your idea?”

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A New Plan

Thinking EmojiWell, the 10-Year plan didn’t work out. I just wasn’t enjoying my return to the Mac App Store or the iTunes App Store. It was a lot of work for very little reward. Now I’m thinking of a new plan. Maybe the next plan will be even more grandiose or perhaps I should keep things simple. I’m not sure. What I do know is that I need to enjoy what I’m doing. While Photics is a business, it’s also supposed to be fun!

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