Braveheart Review

Braveheart - ThumbnailWhile searching for quality apps to review, I found Braveheart. I was a bit confused by the title. “Mel Gibson has a game?” No, the app from Gaijin Entertainment is not about the classic movie. Instead, this app is more of a traditional role-playing game. To be clear, this app is not about William Wallace and his struggle for Scottish independence. Instead, it is about an alcoholic knight who quests for the Holy Grail. The story starts off with Richard drinking too much and ending up in trouble with the royal family. Instead of being sentenced to death, Richard must redeem himself by finding the holy grail.

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Scrabble Review (iOS)

Scrabble - ThumbnailLet’s get something out of the way. I’m not a big fan of Scrabble. I’m not very good at it. Although, plenty of people enjoy Scrabble. That’s why I decided to check things out. Maybe by playing this app I could learn to enjoy the game. It didn’t work out that way, but I was impressed by the quality of the app. Considering that a tabletop version of the game is far more expensive, I was surprised that the app was only 99¢.

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The Game of Life Review (iOS)

The Game of Life - ThumbnailThis app highlights the pricing tricks that app developers play on the iTunes App Store. When I chose this app for review, it was only 99¢. As I write this review, the price has shot back up to $6.99. It is highly unlikely that I would have bought this app at such a price. Yet, I only need to visit a toy store to see that this app is still a good value. The board game version of The Game of Life can easily run $15. That’s a mismatch to me, as I think the app version is more fun.

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Angry Birds Review

Thumbnail - Angry Birds Loading ScreenI didn’t understand the popularity of Angry Birds. Week after week, it was perched at the top of the iTunes charts. It seemed that there was a self-fulfilling cycle occurring. The game is in first-place because it is popular and it is popular because it is in first place. How did this madness get started? Is there nothing better than this game? What’s so special about wingless creatures that hurl themselves into blocks and pigs? I decided to investigate the allure of this app.

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Game Center Review

Back in the days when the best video games were in dimly lit arcades, I don’t remember being that big of a fanatic about getting the high score. It was pretty pointless to me. The game would just be turned off and my record would be lost. Even after game makers got creative, adding batteries to store the score, the arcade game wouldn’t be around forever. Eventually the local pizza place, deli or video rental store would replace old games with new ones. My high score would be loaded into a truck or a van, shipped to parts unknown.

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