Repairing an iPhone SE

Exploding iPhone EmojiWow, I thought it was hard to upgrade a Mac Mini. That’s trivial compared to replacing the screen and the battery on my iPhone SE. What a chore! Screws the size of dust, delicate cables abound, pentalobe parts, and I need a suction cup? While Apple claims to be such an environmentally friendly company, they don’t seem to be encouraging device repairs. But since the company doesn’t have a 4″ phone, and I don’t want a larger one, I’m forced to fix this one.

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A Deadly Decision – Government Alerts

Storm Settings IconA pretty bad storm hit New York City yesterday. It messed with my evening commute. With the wind kicking up and the dark clouds rolling in, I drove my car with heightened purpose. My goal was to stay ahead of the severe weather. I readied my iPhone SE. With the navigation (Maps) app on and my music playing, I was totally focused on driving. A bolt of lighting, ripping vertically through the sky, highlighted the seriousness of the matter. Any delay could result in a tough commute becoming a terrible commute.

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iPhone SE Review

iPhone SE – 4 inch displayIn the year 2010, the iPhone 4 was a revolutionary device. It reshaped the way the world communicated. But in 2016, the iPhone 4 is obsolete – no longer supported by Apple. I needed a new phone. I skipped the 4S, 5, 5S, 6 and 6S models. That’s five generations of upgrades. It wasn’t until 5 1/2 years later, with the launch of the iPhone SE, that I felt there was a worthy successor. So how is the new phone? It’s nice! 🙂

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Don’t Be Cheap Apple!

The Peanuts MovieWith Apple vs the FBI, Tim Cook probably has more pressing matters on his mind. But that aside, there’s another reason why 2016 is a big year for Apple. According to rumors, the iPhone 5SE and the iPad Air 3 will be out next month. Also, the iPhone 7 will be released about six months later. Can Apple maintain their dominance in this ultra-competitive market? I don’t know, but they’re not really helping themselves by being cheap with the hardware. While trying to purchase “The Peanuts Movie” on iTunes, I realized that Apple’s short-term profitability can hurt their longterm health.

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Does Your iPhone Know Your Mood?

Emoji - Pizza Love - ThumbnailMobile phones are becoming more like personal assistants. With an iPhone I can schedule appointments, check my messages and do other related tasks. Although, is a smartphone good enough to replace a human worker? Computers are just machines. They don’t really care about you. They just process data. They don’t sense emotion… or do they?! Recently, I had a stunning realization that my iPhone could know my overall mood. That information is stored with recently used “emoji” icons.

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