Has the Guild Wars Beta Test Begun? What is the Test Krewe?

guild-wars-army-thumbnailI’ve been busy working on some new projects for Photics.com. I needed to grab a Guild Wars skill image. While wandering over to the official Guild Wars website. I spotted an unusual announcement. It said, “Guild Wars Live Test Krewe Ready to Roll!” What is that supposed to mean? The description said, “Our Asuran technicians have finished weaving their magic, and it is time to get things rolling.” Um, that still didn’t make any sense to me, but the next paragraph helped clarify things.

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Team Up With Photics To Create A Guild Wars Magazine

jora-thumbnailPhotics.com is one of the oldest Guild Wars Fansites out there. Back in December of 2003, I had a unique idea for a Guild Wars fansite. Instead of focusing on a forum or cheat sheets, what if I made an electronic magazine? After dozens of issues, and thousands of visitors, the idea brought lots of popularity to Photics.com. However, I realized that something was wrong. It was mostly a solo project. The Internet is more for collaboration. Issue #35 aims to fix that problem. The Guild Wars community is invited to contribute content for the Tuesday, September 22, 2009 issue of Photics: The Guild Wars Edition.

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Photics.com July 2009 Web Report

july-2009-stats-thumbnailPhotics.com has been around for over a decade. In that time, some ideas were met with great success. Others were not so popular. I realized that I stopped looking at the web data. That’s not because Photics.com is unpopular. Actually, there were over 218,000 visits in March 2009. A lot of eyeballs are looking at this website. But what content works and what doesn’t? I’m thinking that I should be looking at this data on a monthly basis, in order to make better site management decisions. Here’s the first report…

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ArenaNet is Hiring A Game Designer

essence-bond-thumbnailIn my ongoing quest to better understand the secrets of ArenaNet, my RSS reader alerted me to another clue. ArenaNet continues to add members to their team. This time around, the job is for a Game Designer. Wow, that sounds like a tough career right? It probably involves years of experience and requires an advanced degree. No, I checked out the job description and it seems ridiculously easy. Well, at least when compared to the other Guild Wars jobs.

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Wii Sports Resort – Nintendo Transforms Times Square Into A Mini-Vacation

wii-sports-resort-frisbee-thumbnailWhile Manhattan may be an island, I’m not used to seeing sand in Times Square. Today, Nintendo was busy promoting Wii Sports Resort – the sequel to Wii Sports. Kiosks were playing the latest Nintendo hit, which is not available until 7/26/2009. While kids of all ages huddled around the flashy screens, others were relaxing in lawn chairs. I’m always impressed by the nonchalant attitude of New Yorkers. The majority of the populous can handle most unusual circumstances with nonchalance. In the middle of a busy city intersection. I didn’t see a whole lot of commotion, not a whole lot of fuss, just a cool event in the middle of a hot city.

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