YouTube Got It Right — An Adventure In SEO

YouTube Play Button Above A Super Mario World BackgroundThe plan for 2025 has been progressing nicely. There are three main goals. “A Book About Making Web Games” is a difficult project but at least the work has started, the Crossy Road Chicken Tournament has also started, and the Super Mario World All Exits Guide is complete. Although, did I make a mistake by scheduling the video to launch so far into the future? Was it a bad idea to schedule it for March 8, 2025? That’s the Saturday before Mario Day (MAR10). How is YouTube handling the Search Engine Optimization for “Premiere” videos?

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Flipping A Card With HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

Flipping the Queen of HeartsIt is possible to create 3D graphics on the web. It should be even better as browsers improve. As an example, the “model” HTML tag has lots of potential. But what if you don’t want to wait, or what if you want something extremely lightweight? For flipping cards, simple CSS can create a sense of perspective. That’s what this tutorial is about.

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Styling “Details” & “Summary” HTML Tags

Web #9 — Details & Summary BoxBack in Web #6, the ease of the details / summary tags was mentioned. All you had to do was drop support for Internet Explorer and then you could have a pure HTML / CSS solution to creating web boxes that could be opened or closed. It would be almost two years since such a feature was added to this website. But with the addition of the Farmside Guide, now there’s a great reason to use the Details & Summary HTML tags. There’s a video on Photics.TV that explains the CSS styling of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) webpage.

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New Web Tool To Search Apple Arcade

Apple Arcade Search ThumbnailThe Apple Arcade Search tool is online! It is part of the vision for the Heroic Tech Support series of videos on Photics.TV. The idea is that if tech trouble is spotted online, and if “Photics” can help, then it might be the focus of a new problem solving video. Lots of people were having trouble with searching Apple Arcade. This is an issue that can be fixed.

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10 Reasons To Stop Supporting Internet Explorer

Web #6 Thumbnail — No Internet ExplorerThis article is available as a video on Photics.TV (YouTube). Part of determining the requirements for your web project is choosing which web browsers to support. So, while Internet Explorer is not quite dead yet, it’s really close. That’s the point of this article. If you’re having trouble deciding to include Internet Explorer in your next or current web project, here are 10 native web features that you can probably use if you drop support for Internet Explorer.

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