After four months of creating apps again, I realized something. This isn’t the path of success. I had learned this harsh lesson already with the creation of “BOT”, but I had to be sure. I was testing new technology and a new methodology in creating / promoting apps. Would this time be different? NO! It was a disappointment. So, what went wrong?
Tag: 10-Year Plan
Does Apple Love Developers?
Happy Valentine’s Day! This post has a multipurpose. First, it’s a nice way to celebrate the holiday. I didn’t plan to announce the “Wrapping” app on Valentine’s Day. It just turned out that way. But since the app icon has a nice heart on top, I figured that I could combine the two events. The plan to launch the app about a week ago. Needless to say, it’s been a rough week. That leads to the theme of this post. Does Apple truly love developers?
Two down, Ninety-Eight To Go?!
Perhaps this is a stupid plan. I could have done things the easy way. I could have invested in Dogecoin and been a millionaire by now. But nooooooo, even though I had cryptocurrencies on my list of possible projects for 2017, I decided to return to the madness of the app stores. WHY?! It’s not just about creating wealth, it’s about creating something of value. It’s about building “Photics” as a brand – a household name. With the second app of the 10-Year Plan published, is the project moving in the right direction?
That still only counts as one!
About eight years ago, I started working on iOS development. Back then, my apps would sit in Apple’s review queue for weeks, only to get rejected on some small technicality. Today, things are way different. Now, Apple is much faster at rejecting my apps. But despite the tedium and frustration, I managed to get back into the game. For the first time in years, a new Photics app is available on the iTunes App Store and the Mac App Store.
A 10-Year Mission is about to enter its 20th year of existence. That’s a fairly significant milestone. After publishing A Book About Hype, hitting #1 on the iTunes Book Store, there was an unanswered question about the future of this website – what’s next?! After two years of serious consideration, Photics is getting back into app development. Starting today, a 10 Year Mission officially begins. The idea is to create 10 apps a year for the next 10 years.