Happy New Year! Normally I like to start off the new year with a lofty goal. This year, nothing significant is planned yet. The main reason for the uncertainty is because of the  “Widgets app”. Each update requires a substantial amount of work — and the app is not considered to be done. Therefore, January 2021 is kicking off with another update to the “Widgets” and “Apparatuses” apps. If you’re into Chemistry, the new “Elements” widgets were made to help you.
Tag: Mac App Store
The Future of Widgets (Part II)
Ever see the Jetsons? George made sprockets. His competitor made cogs. Me, I make widgets. Fantasy has become reality, as my job is futuristic — but what is the future of the Widgets app? With the release of macOS 11… whew …it’s going to take a lot of work to figure that out. After playing with Apple’s WidgetKit and the default widgets, there are significant challenges to overcome.
The “Reminder” Widget Has Launched
That was brutal. The “Reminder” widget was supposed to be finished in a month. Unforeseen issues doubled the development time. But the result, I like it! A lot of work went into the little details. The challenge was plugging into Apple’s environment. It was worth the effort though, as the widget is quite powerful. It even works with Siri.
Widgets – Now Available For Pre-Order
Widgets is a collection of digital gadgets, designed to inform, entertain and assist you. It is also the most ambitious Photics project ever undertaken. The goal for Widgets is to create 50 useful blocks. Currently, there are seven widgets. While less than… (uh, I should make a percentage calculator widget) …15% of the target, this was enough to clear an important hurdle. The app passed Apple’s review. Widgets is currently available for pre-order.
Dartboard – A Replacement for the macOS Dashboard
It looks like Apple is killing the Dashboard with the “Catalina” macOS 10.15 update. If you’re like me, this is bad news. I probably press F12 over a dozen times a day. I like checking on the Weather, Stocks and other useful gadgets. It looks like I’m not alone in this disappointment. While the feedback on MacRumors and 9to5Mac is mixed, plenty of people voiced their disappointment with this decision. To help fix this problem, “Dartboard” is the next app from Photics.
Continue reading “Dartboard – A Replacement for the macOS Dashboard”