BOT – Game Design and Progress Reports

Bot - Progress ReportAfter careful study of the iTunes App Store, I think I have a better understanding on how to build successful games. I’ve started work on a rather ambitious project. I’m building a role-playing game called “BOT” — my most advanced game ever. In order to find success on the iTunes App Store, I believe it is necessary to build a high-quality game. Otherwise, my apps will drown in a sea of mediocrity. I’m aiming to take down Angry Birds and build the best iPhone app. This lofty goal is to ensure that my game is great.

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GameSalad Updated to 0.9.1

I’ve been using Mac computers for about 17 years. In those early days, it never occurred to me that I would be making Mac applications. It just slowly happened. First I started making maps for Bungie’s Marathon — the precursor to Halo, then I started messing around with Adobe Flash. And now with GameSalad, it’s ridiculously easy to make apps. With the recent update to GameSalad, it’s even simple to sell / distribute those games. Support for the Mac App Store was added.

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Hitboxes – Using Rectangles To Make Complex Shapes

Video Games — Game Development in particular — is often viewed as a geeky thing that guys do. I doubt my romantic app “Secret Admirer” is going to significantly change that perception. However, if you are a geeky game developer guy, you might not want to overlook the construction of this app. I’m pleased with the way the Secret Admirer pinball game turned out. The secret — hitboxes. Invisible rectangles and circles define the areas of collision.

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Secret Admirer – A Valentine’s Day App

It’s not easy to find love. But with hundreds of thousands of apps on the iTunes App Store, there’s probably an “app for that” too. With Valentine’s Day on the way, I decided that I would try to create my own app for the season of romance. Inspiration stuck me when I was looking at greeting cards. A piece of paper with words — such a simple thing seemed expensive when compared to an app. I set out to create a 99¢ app that could work as a creating card. The result – Secret Admirer. It’s part virtual card and part arcade.

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Free .WAV Wednesday — Boop #3

“The Princess Bride” is a great movie. It’s one of those classic films from the 1980’s. It has adventure, comedy, romance and lots of great quotes. The lines from that movie are memorable. It’s something that I think is lacking in today’s movies. What does that have to do with today’s free .wav file? I was reminded of a quote from Vizzini, “Go back to the beginning.” When something went wrong with a plan, they had to go back to the start. Nothing’s wrong here today, but starting at the beginning is a great place to learn. That’s why I chose Boop #3 for this week’s free sound effect.

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