After months of struggle, I’m starting to find some progress in the iTunes store. I’m very happy with the success of Commove. The initial sales are strong. That doesn’t mean I just kick back and collect millions of dollars. It means I have to become more focused. I have to continue to build better games. It also means that my current library of games should get better too. I went back to improve Commove. Version 1.1 improves performance and resolves some issues.
Category: Development
Commove is a relaxing yet challenging strategy / puzzle game, specifically developed for the iPad and other iPhone OS devices. There are no annoying timers, or cumbersome controls. Instead, it’s great music, crisp graphics, easy to learn interface, and fun gaming. I worked incredibly hard on this project, with the goal of creating an original and entertaining video game. From the clouds that glide in the distance, to the overall enjoyment of the game, the details were not overlooked. Commove is my best iPad game yet and maybe it will be your favorite game too.
Back to the Drawing Board
So OK, I’ve created and published four different apps for the iPhone OS… why am I not rich yet?! Ha ha, I expected to have a bit more success by now. But unfortunately, I’m still learning about Apple’s mobile market. After warding off discouraging feelings, I decided to head back to the drawing board. I may not be making a ton of money on the App Store, but I have learned some valuable lessons. I’m impressed with the apps that I’ve made so far, but I’ll have to do a lot better in order to succeed in this ultra-competitive battleground. Developers from all over the world are vying for success. What makes me special?
Photics: Fireball… Ready For Launch
With the iPad launch less than a week away, I’ve been pretty busy. Apple sent me an email about the grand opening of the iPad App Store. If I wanted my iPad App to be listed on the launch day, I had to meet the March 27 (8 PM EST) deadline. I made it… with about 30 minutes to spare. It was tough, but I’m pleased with the results. Actually, that’s not quite right… I’m actually amazed. I think Photics: Fireball is a fun game, but it also represents a dramatic shift in my life. Up until this point, I used to get excited about game console release dates. I would often be part of the “I gotta have it” crowd. But now I’m on the other side of the picture – as a game developer – with a launch date title ready to go.
Photics: Conquest – Artwork Preview
I’ve decided that I will be dropping the Guild Wars theme from my online role-playing game. Instead, I will be creating an original theme for Photics: Conquest. As long as the main content is tied to ArenaNet, there will always be limitations on what I can do with my game… like charging for premium access or breaking away from lore restrictions. Plus, I think it’s important to build something of my own. There shouldn’t be any confusion between two completely different games. However, that creates a significant problem. The Guild Wars artwork is beautiful. How will I be able to replace that? How can I keep my game professional looking, without the budgets of a “AAA” game studio?