Protective Spirit – What an exciting choice. You like TANK, but only 90% of the time. You figure it’s OK if he takes a little damage. It’s good for building character and maintaining humility. TANK has been too boastful as of late, so you figure that he needs a good crack to the head. The crazed archer is so blinded by rage that he hasn’t even noticed your spell. Is the archer truly broken in the mind? Does he have the lack of judgment to shoot his own kind?
He does. An arrow flies straight towards TANK. It hits him square on the forehead. The magical spell work, causing the arrow to ricochet rather than penetrate. TANK stumbles back and grabs his bleeding wound, He yells, “Ow… seize him.”
The other Ascalonians grab the crazed archer, who just earned a one-way trip to a jail cell. The penalty for treason is death. The crazed archer opted for suicide instead. Shortly after incarceration, he killed himself with bed sheets wrapped around his neck.
Protective Spirit was not the best choice. You can try again or continue on to the next chapter.
This is a fan-fiction book! 🙂
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