Retribution – The specialty of smiting Monks is the use holy magic to damage their enemies. This is particularly useful when battling undead, when smiting often does double the damage. You happen to be unconscious, so you’re like the undead. Yet, you’re already pretty damaged. You don’t need anymore hurt. Furthermore, Retribution hurts the attacker. That’s not you – It’s TANK! Obviously, Retribution would not help your situation. Here’s what would have happened if TANK used Retribution.
TANK is a Paladin, a Warrior/Monk specialized in Strength, Swordsmanship and Healing Magic. There is little doubt that his attacks can do severe damage. His blade mastery and endurance is renowned throughout the lands of Ascalon. Yet, Lina looks completely confused as to why he used the Retribution spell on you. There is only one excuse that Lina can think of — Dwarven Ale.
Yet, TANK appears to be completely sober. He winds up for a vicious strike, aimed directly at your vital organs. With a quick and precise strike, TANK stabs through your heart. It results in your immediate death. While this may not be the desirable outcome, there are two items of consolation. Since you were in a coma, you felt no pain. If a swift death is not a consolation to you, at least you can dwell in the afterlife with a humorous thought. TANK’s foolhardy attack resulted in an electrical shock to his body. While he may have ended your already fleeting life, at least you got the last hit.
Retribution was not the correct choice. Try again!
This is a fan-fiction book! 🙂
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